The Birth of the Veterans Service Commission
After the Civil War, when the remnants of the Grand Union Army returned to their homes, the scars of the nation's bloddiest conflict made it a meager homecoming.
Ohio, the breadbasket of the nation, was particularly hard hit. Land that had laid fallow for years was overgrown; farming implements were rusted; there was no money to buy seeds for a new crop. Empty sleeves, which had once held an arm or leg, were common. In addition, for the many thousands who did not return, a legacy of poverty and loss were all that remained for their widows and orphans.
For this reason, the state legislature of Ohio passed the Soldiers Relief Act in 1888, thus establishing the Veterans Service Commission (formerly the Soldiers Relief Commission). Its role was, as it is now, to provide emergency relief and support services to veterans who served this country and to their family members or survivors.
Statement of Policy
The Veterans Service Commission exercises extreme care in determining those individuals entitled to eligible temporary financial assistance. Section 5901.01 through 5902.99 of the Ohio Revised Code governs the Commission. This law provides help to those veterans who have served our country honorably and are now in need of assistance. It is to this end that the Allen County Veterans Service Commission devotes a major portion of its resources.
In order to serve better the veterans of Allen County, the Commission also works closely with other agencies that provide care. Some of these agencies are: Department of Human Services (General Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children, Food Stamps, Medicaid), Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, Social Security Administration, (SS, SS Disability, SSI, Medicare), Department of Veterans Affairs (Compensation and Pension, Medical Care, Counseling, etc.), and various other federal, state and local agencies. Referral to an appropriate agency will be made as needed.
Chad Cupples
The American Legion
Michael Burkholder
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Coleman Clark Jr
Richard Brewer
Vietnam Veterans of America
William King Jr
Disabled American Veterans
Board Members
Executive Director/Veterans Service Officer
Veteran Service Officer / Veterans Benefits Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Veterans Benefit Assistant / Investigator