Forms Needed to Apply for Relief Assistance
Copy of DD 214 Showing Honorable Service (at least 90 days active service outside of training).
Proof of ALL Household Income for the Last 30 Days.
Printout from bank showing transactions for the last 30 days.
All Current Utility Bills
Lease Agreement
Landlord's Name and Address
All Other Monthly Bills Paid (Car Payment, Insurance, Credit Card Payments, etc.)
Marriage certificate
Birth certificate/adoption papers (for dependent age children only)
Disability compensation is a monetary benefit paid to veterans who are disabled by an injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated during active service.
​Certified Copies of Military Separation Papers/DD 214
Names, Addresses, and Dates of Treatment of All Civilian/Private Physicians that are treating you and have treated you in the past for the condition that you are filing
Copy of Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decrees (All Divorces for both the Veteran and Current Spouse), Birth Certificates of all Dependent Age Children, Social Security Numbers for all
Name of Financial Institution, Account Number, and Routing Number for Direct Deposit Purposes
Forms Needed to Apply for Service-Connected Compensation
Veterans with low incomes who are permanently and totally disabled, or age 65 and older, may be eligible for monetary support if they have 90 days or more of active military service, at least one day of which was during a period of war. The veterans discharge must have been under conditions other than dishonorable and the disability must be for reasons other than the veterans own willful misconduct. Payments are made to bring the veteran's total income, including other retirement or social security income, to a level set by Congress. Un-reimbursed medical expenses may reduce countable income for VA purposes. Payments are reduced by the amount of countable income of the veteran, spouse, or dependent children.
​Certified Copies of Military Separation Papers/DD 214
Names, Addresses, and Dates of Treatment of All Civilian/Private Physicians that are treating you and have treated you in the past for the condition that you are filing
Copy of Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decrees (All Divorces for both the Veteran and Current Spouse), Birth Certificates of all Dependent Age Children, Social Security Numbers for all
Exact Amounts of All Sources of Income and Assets (Amounts in all Bank Accounts, Cash on Hand, Stocks, Bonds, CD's, Mutual Funds, IRA's, Interest off of any Accounts, etc.)
Name of Financial Institution, Account Number, and Routing Number for Direct Deposit Purposes
Forms Needed to Apply for Non-Service Connected Disability Pension
VA provides pensions to low-income surviving spouses and unmarried children of deceased veterans with wartime service. A surviving spouse may be entitled to a higher income limit if living in a nursing home or an assisted living facility, in need of the aid and attendance of another person or is permanently housebound. Payments are made to bring eligible person's total income, including other retirement or social security income, to a level set by Congress. Payments are reduced by the amount of countable income from those sources. Un-reimbursed medical expenses may reduce countable income for VA purposes.
​Certified Copies of Military Separation Papers/DD 214
Copy of Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decrees (All Divorces for both the Veteran and Current Spouse), Birth Certificates of all Dependent Age Children, Social Security Numbers for all
Name of Financial Institution, Account Number, and Routing Number for Direct Deposit Purposes
Veteran's Death Certificate